It seems that you have no newspushes installed! Newsletter publishers share this app with their readers once they register for their newspushes. If you're a newsletter reader who doesn't like emails, you are welcome to reach out to your favourite publishers to get their newsletter content in this app:
To get your favourite newsletter content delivered as newspushes in this app, follow the steps below:
Visit the website of your favourite newsletter publisher.
Locate their newspushes app link, usually located next to their newsletter subscription form.
Visit their newspushes app link, and once registered, simply close and re-open this app to find their newspush app installed & ready to browse.
Can't find your publisher's newspush app link?
Try this instead:
Find a newsletter in your email inbox that you wish to receive & read in this app.
Reply to the email, and ask the publisher for their newspushes app link. For example:
Hi, could you please send me your newspushes app link? I'd love to receive your newsletters in an app instead of emails (you can create newsletter apps at
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Visit their newspushes app link, and once registered, simply close and re-open this app to find their newspush app installed & ready to browse.